Cristina Cordula reveals a photo of her very young alongside her deceased father

Cristina Cordula has rarely confided in the dramas of her life but she revealed in 2014, in the pages of Paris Match, been an orphan for a while. “My parents are deceased… My father lived in Brazil. My mother in France where she had done her doctorate in sociology, she was an art critic. She fell ill and died in Brazil in 2009. She was proud of my success, she always has been…“, she declared.

Despite the pain, the 57-year-old M6 figure manages to be happy. She is currently having a good time in Capri, Italy. A destination to which the host is very attached since she married her companion Frédéric Cassin there on June 6, 2017. Still on Instagram, she was delighted to have found this “beautiful city“.”II have a lot of memories, especially that of my wedding. I am delighted to be there for a few days!!“, she let know.

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