Cristiano Ronaldo in the sauna with another famous footballer: very tense atmosphere!

At the head of a huge fortune estimated at 500 million euros, Cristiano Ronaldo owns several apartments, houses and hotels around the world. Like many wealthy personalities, the Portuguese footballer also owns a magnificent collection of sports cars.

The 37-year-old father has just bought himself a new racing car, which is none other than a €2.1 million Bugati Veyron! On vacation in Mallorca for a week, Cristiano Ronaldo asked for his new toy to be delivered to him on the Spanish island… and an accident unfortunately took place. According to the daily newspaper “Diario de Mallorca” the car was rammed into the wall of a house but it turns out that it was not he who was driving the machine at the time of the accident.

Cristiano Ronaldo appears close to another footballer
If some are worried about the financial losses linked to this accident, Cristiano Ronaldo takes full advantage of his summer vacation. No question for him to mope, he appeared this Tuesday, June 21, 2022, on Instagram alongside the Portuguese football player, José Semedo.

Very close for years, the two athletes took the pose in the middle of a relaxation session in a sauna. Bereaved by the brutal death of his wife Soraia, which occurred last October, José Semedo can count on the unfailing support of his friend over the months.

“I owe everything to Ronaldo. Without him, I would have been kicked out of the academy and sent back to the neighborhood, many of my childhood friends are in prison or were addicted to drugs. I would have followed this path. I owe my sporting career, my children and my wonderful life to Cristiano” had also explained the 37-year-old sportsman recently.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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