Cristiano Ronaldo: Georgina Rodriguez talks about the tragic death of their baby, “my heart broke”

It was an event that moved the whole planet and even more football lovers. On April 18, Cristiano Ronaldo and his companion Georgina Rodriguez announced on their social networks the death of their little boy during childbirth. A few months before the tragedy, the two stars had announced the arrival of their twins, a boy and a girl and unfortunately, only the girl survived. A real tragedy for the Portuguese, who quickly received support from his fans and even his rivals. A very difficult period to overcome, even if the arrival of Bella Esmeralda within the family filled the footballer and his family with happiness.

After this terrible episode, things seemed to be going better, Cristiano Ronaldo quickly returning to the football fields and Georgina Rodriguez spending a very pleasant summer with her children in Spain. If apparently everything is back to normal, the trauma is still present as the beautiful 28-year-old brunette confessed on her show, Me, Georgina streaming on Netflix. In this reality show, the mother of 5 children indicated that the loss of her baby was “the worst moment of his life”.

My heart broke and I wondered how I could handle it

It is in the second season of the show that this tragic event will be treated and it should be an important element of the season, as revealed by the DailyMail. “My heart broke and I wondered how I was going to be able to bear it”, Loose Georgina Rodriguez in front of the cameras. Despite this terrible moment, she managed to climb the slope thanks to her relatives. “The solution was closer than I thought. I looked my kids in the eye and saw the only way outthat we are all together”continues the companion of Cristiano Ronaldo.

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