crisis situation in the emergency department


France 3

Article written by

E. Bach, O. Gerbi, C. Launay, N. Fleury, T. Bezer, Y. Le Bola, T. Breton, F. Pairaud – France 3

France Televisions

Among the hot issues awaiting the new government, the situation in hospitals. In several cities, emergency services are partially closed due to lack of staff. Doctors and staff dread the summer.

In the emergency department of the Timone Hospital in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), up to 250 patients a day are received. To take care of them, sixteen emergency doctors, when it would take twice as many. “We are afraid of the flow, of missing out on something, of killing people because our job is not trivial and when we are wrong we kill people”says a doctor.

Same crisis situation at the regional hospital center of Orléans (Loiret), the emergencies reopened after five weeks of closure, but the reopening is still taking place in precarious conditions. Everywhere in France, emergencies are in crisis. In total, 120 services are forced to limit their activity, i.e. 20% of public and private hospitals. In Bordeaux (Gironde), emergencies close at night. Only patients brought by the Samu are accepted. The hospital crisis will be one of the Borne government’s biggest projects.

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