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Part of the Russian forces withdrawn borders of Ukraine, Tuesday 15 February. The withdrawal was planned, but can it be interpreted as a sign of appeasement?
The withdrawal of part of the Russian forces from the borders ofEastern Ukrainethere good news? Maybe, even if “the situation is complicated, it is very difficult to assess the extent of this withdrawal, how many soldiers will really return to their garrison”, reports the journalist Dorothée Olliericduplex Tuesday, February 15 from Kiev (Ukraine).
Another positive sign, Monday February 14 in Moscow (Russia)President Vladimir Putin “has kept the diplomatic option on the table, and today, in Kyiv, the authorities welcome these announcements”, continues the journalist. “As for the date of February 16, which was announced by the Americans as possibly being the start of this Russian offensive, I can tell you that according to my information, Ukrainian President Zelensky never believed it,” concludes the journalist.