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As tensions rise in Ukraine, the United States is talking about imminent Russian intervention. They are repatriating their embassy staff and many Western countries are encouraging their nationals to leave Ukraine.
The Russians continue to intimidate Ukraine by broadcasting images of military exercises in Belarus on Saturday February 12. The tension goes up a notch. The US government now says an invasion could be imminent. In a few hours, in turn, the Americans, the British and the Germans recalled part of their diplomatic staff and advised their nationals to leave Ukraine as soon as possible.
Despite attempts at negotiation, the situation seems to be deadlocked. On the one hand, there are the NATO forces and on the other, the Russian troops, which in recent weeks have been massing in particular in Belarus. So there are 100,000 menacing soldiers at the gates of Ukraine. For their part, the Ukrainian troops are training and standing ready to react, but the president is trying to ease the tension.