Crisis in Ukraine: the Russian attack is imminent according to Joe Biden



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On February 17, the UN called for restraint on the various parties involved in the Ukrainian crisis. However, the tone keep on going to disassemble. The American president is convinced of this: the Russian attack will take place within a few days. Live of Washington (United States), journalist Camille guttinwe reports the latest events.

Despite the efforts of some heads of state, the situation continues to grow tense between Ukraine and Russia. The American president even affirmed that a Russian attack is imminent within a few days. “The American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, even detailed a disaster scenario just now before the United Nations”, reports the journalist Camille guttinlive from Washington (United States).

According to the American secretary of state, the Russians would fabricate a false pretext to accuse the Ukrainians which would then justify their bombardments and cyber-attacks. “The tanks would advance to the capital”, adds Camilla guttin. But the United States has no proof of what they are saying, which strains relations between the two countries a little more.


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