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In the Donbass, residents are fleeing under the threat of a Russian offensive. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, for his part, asked Westerners for reinforcements on Tuesday, February 22.
Ukraine calls for help, Tuesday, February 22. “Ukrainian President Zelensky, who spoke on television, sounded extremely calm, extremely composed, but also very firm. He said in essence: ‘We are not afraid and we will defend ourselves’“, explains the journalist from France Télévisions Dorothée Olliericduplex from Kiev (Ukraine).
“On the one hand, [le président Zelensky] still hopes for a diplomatic solution, but on the other hand, he still asks for weapons, help from the West“, continues the journalist. “You should know that here, the Ukrainians are very nationalistic: twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, the national anthem resounds in the streets“, details Dorothy Olliericwhich specifies that soldiers and students with whom she spoke expressed their determination to take up arms, to defend their territory.