Crisis in Ukraine | EU tries to restart Moscow-Kiev negotiations

(Brussels) European Union leaders sought Wednesday to relaunch negotiations with Moscow to ease tensions with Ukraine, even though President Putin only wants to deal with Washington for security issues in that region.

France Media Agency

Ukraine has emerged as the dominant at the summit organized in Brussels between the leaders of the 27 and their counterparts from the Eastern Partnership countries: Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia and Azerbaijan, five former republics Soviets confronted with attempts at destabilization orchestrated from Moscow and undermined by internal strife.

The EU wants to show solidarity with its partners and stand firm with Moscow, but the 27 want to avoid giving Moscow a pretext to take action.

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz met before the start of the summit with their Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky to stall a common position.

The three leaders agreed to “work together to re-engage in the Normandy format negotiations” with Russia, the Elysee said.

“We have talked about a resumption of negotiations with Russia for a diplomatic solution and we have discussed sanctions,” Zelensky said.

He stressed that “Ukraine does not give in to any provocation at the border and has no aggressive attitude”, and called for the adoption of preventive European sanctions against Russia.

“We are interested in a policy of strong sanctions before a possible escalation. In that case, in my opinion, there may not be an escalation, ”he explained.

The adoption of sanctions requires unanimity in the EU and no leader has come out in favor of preventive sanctions.

“Sanctions are already in force and we are ready to add others if necessary”, explained Charles Michel, President of the European Council.

“We were asked to prepare options and we did our homework,” confirmed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. These options will be discussed Thursday by the leaders of the 27 at their summit, she said.

” We are ready. In the event of a new military aggression, the cost to be paid by Russia will be very high and there will be serious consequences ”, she assured.

Nord Stream, piece of the puzzle

The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany “is one piece of the big puzzle”, said Polish government chief Mateusz Morawiecki. The new German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has not yet come out openly in favor of using the pipeline as leverage against Moscow.

The desire of France and Germany to relaunch the diplomatic process with Moscow and Kiev, however, leaves some Europeans skeptical.

The so-called “Normandy” discussion format is “brain dead”, a European minister told AFP.

“The European Union does not represent anything for Vladimir Poutine who deals only with the Americans for the foundations of security in Europe”, he underlined.

“US President Joe Biden said he was prepared to listen to Vladimir Putin’s arguments to find a solution. We have to see what it will give ”, he adds.

Volodymyr Zelensky also expressed doubts about the Normandy format and he wished the United States “to play one of the main roles, and not episodic”.

The Russian president called for immediate negotiations with NATO and the United States on guarantees to be given to Russia for its security.

Russia on Wednesday handed US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe Karen Donfried a list of proposals on the legal guarantees it is calling for, the Kremlin said. Mme Donfried is expected in Brussels.

Moscow wants to neutralize the former Soviet border republics of the EU and Turkey by opposing their membership in NATO and the European Union.

The Europeans reject this right of veto, but no one is talking about the integration of Ukraine and Georgia into NATO or their entry into the EU, several diplomats and European officials told AFP.

“Membership concerns the countries of the Western Balkans, not the group of countries of the Partnership”, recalled for his part the spokesperson for the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell.

The EU offers them a tailor-made partnership. It consists of giving more to those who want to do more, ”explained a senior European official.

An investment plan of 2.3 billion euros and able to mobilize 17 billion euros was programmed in July to relaunch the partnership. Its distribution will depend on the reforms requested and the viability of the projects presented, ”he said.

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