Crisis in Ukraine: Emmanuel Macron must speak by phone with Vladimir Putin



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Tension is at its peak between Russia and Ukraine. Russia launched new naval maneuvers in the Black Sea on the morning of Saturday February 12. For the White House, there is no doubt that Vladimir Putin has plans to invade Ukraine. Emmanuel Macron had tomaintain it half an hour ago on the phone with Vladimir Putin. Live from the Élysée, journalist Jeff Wittenberg explains the purpose of this call.

“Emmanuel Macron sees himself as an artisan of de-escalation”, explains journalist Jeff Wittenberglive from the Élysée. The French president has in any case sought to defuse the conflict, in particular by visiting the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, which has given rise to 5am face-to-face. “The phone call, which in principle started at 12:30 p.m. (…) is part of this same line”, says the journalist.

Another phone call should take place between the Russian president and Joe Bidenthe president of the United States. “The threads of dialogue are therefore not broken but the situation is at its maximum”, judge jeff Wittenberg. The Americans and the British have already asked their nationals to leave Ukraine without delay.


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