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The Russia wishesit really lower the tension in Ukraine? Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden asked, on Tuesday, February 15, to verify the reality of the withdrawal of certain Russian troops from the Ukrainian border.
What should we think of the attitude of the Russians at the Ukrainian border, Tuesday, February 15? “What is certain is that after letting the pressure mount, Vladimir Putin wanted to show today that he is giving diplomacy a chance”, reports the journalist explains Luc Lacroix, special envoy to Donetsk (Ukraine). It is for this reason that he has “confirmed the partial withdrawal of troops” and say “that he did not want a war”, continues the journalist.
The crisis is not over yet. “As Jean-Yves Le Drian says, words are good, actions are better, we have to see if this withdrawal is effective. This is also what NATO says, which is demanding to see the withdrawal of military equipment”, adds Luc Lacroix. The announced withdrawal is not otherwise than “partiel”. “The Russian soldiers, who come from further afield, whose presence we noted in the border area with Ukraine a little more than ten days ago, (…) their return to the garrisons is not yet announced, notes the journalist.