Crisis in the West Indies: roadblocks continue



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In Martinique, the inhabitants continue the strike in response to the health pass. In this social movement, several demands are mingled, such as the obligation to vaccinate caregivers and the cost of living.

Within the island of Martinique, anger continues to roar. Fires, live ammunition against the police, looting and road racketeering continue to constitute the routine of the country despite a last night quieter than the others. Those responsible for roadblocks allow only health professionals to pass.

Initially set up to protest against the vaccine requirement, the dams have also been the ground for other claims such as unemployment or the cost of living on the island. “Of West Indies, we have to leave our country to go to work. And that is unfair. We do not know if the new generation will have work “, deplores Fabienne, one of the people in charge of a roadblock.

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