The Somme National Rally MP was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Friday May 17, 2024.
Reading time: 26 min

Jean-Philippe Tanguy, deputy for the Somme and spokesperson for the National Rally, was the guest of franceinfo on May 17, 2024. Crisis in New Caledonia, unemployment figures, prison blockades… He answered Victoria’s questions Koussa and Jean-Rémi Baudot.
New Caledonia: “This file, unfortunately, was very poorly managed”
“This violence could have been avoided with another timetable, taking into account the demands of all parties present”estimates Somme deputy Jean-Philippe Tanguy, while violence has shaken the archipelago since Monday May 13, on the sidelines of the protest against the reform of the electoral body.
New referendum in New Caledonia: “It’s a political perspective for the minority party”
The leader of the National Rally deputies, Marine Le Pen, proposed holding a new referendum on independence in New Caledonia in 40 years. A way according to Jean-Philippe Tanguy of “allow time for the process that has just ended to prosper.”. However, he affirms that Marine Le Pen “did not give the figure of 40 years as a totem, it is the basis of a negotiation.” The objective of the leader of the RN is in any case to “give a political perspective” to New Caledonia.
Unemployment figures: “We are very far from full employment”
While, according to the most recent figures, unemployment stabilizes at 7.5% in the first quarter, the National Rally deputy nevertheless estimates that “we are very far from the full employment that was promised by Bruno Le Maire and others.” “THE full employment, in other Western countries, it is 2 to 3% maximum”affirms Jean-Philippe Tanguy, for whom this situation is caused in particular by the fact that “reindustrialization has been very weak.”
“When the President of the Republic leaves his role as arbiter of the nation, he must weigh either his personal resignation or dissolution”
Marine Le Pen conditions the holding of a debate with Emmanuel Macron on the European elections on the resignation of the head of state. A decision that Jean-Philippe Tanguy justifies by “the jurisprudence of General de Gaulle”. And the RN deputy develops: “When the President of the Republic leaves his role as arbiter of the nation, above the parties, he must weigh either his personal resignation – his mandate as President of the Republic – or dissolution.”
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