Crisis in Martinique: BFMTV journalists are shot, Marc-Olivier Fogiel revolted

Like Guadeloupe, the Martinique is experiencing a protest movement against the unprecedented vaccination obligation. Demonstrations are taking place all over the island and clashes between residents and police are on the increase. In an attempt to ease tensions, the prefect has since this Thursday, November 25, 2021 established a new curfew “from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. until calm returns“. An action which unfortunately only made matters worse.

On the night of Thursday to Friday, four French journalists also paid the price for the discontent of the protesters, some of whom were at the origin of “nocturnal urban violence”. Indeed, a BFMTV editorial team that came to report in the city of Fort-de-France was the target of men on two motorcycles who shot them with live ammunition after spotting them. The two journalists from BFM and RMC, the photojournalist and the AFP photographer targeted were fortunately not injured by the shots and had time to get back in their vehicle and leave the scene in a hurry. The scene was filmed and relayed by the news channel this Friday morning, which denounced terrible acts.

the general manager of BFMTV, Marc-Olivier Fogiel, also took the floor on Twitter to protest and salute the work of journalists on the spot. “Unacceptable! With all my heart with the BFMTV RMC Sport teamswho did their essential information work“, we read.

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