Crisis in Haiti: “Trudeau went too fast”, believes Dany Laferrière

Rider, too hasty, Canada’s intervention in Haiti has experienced some failures, according to the author Dany Laferrière, who expressed some reservations Friday evening on the set of the program “Le monde à l’envers”.

• Read also: Death of Jean Lapointe: Jean-Marie Lapointe confides in Stéphan Bureau

In an interview granted to Stéphan Bureau, the immortal Dany Laferrière – member of the French Academy -, who was in Montreal for the Montreal Book Fair which is currently underway, estimated that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would have chosen to impose sanctions without demonstrating the guilt of the heads of state he wanted to punish, including former President Michel Martelly.

The man of letters thus described this intervention by Mr. Trudeau as cavalier and hasty.

“The question of a President of the Republic is always: is it the president or the presidency”, he asked himself, specifying that what held a country together was the symbolism, “if not it’s a place with people,” he continued. According to him, if one attacks symbolism without the appearance of clear, irrefutable justice, “it is a cavalier act”.

Crisis in Haiti:

Recall that this week, Canada announced sanctions against the former Haitian president in addition to promising $16.5 million to help stabilize the country. Last fall, Mr. Laferrière resigned himself for the very first time to going to his native country, because of the political context and the risk of kidnapping that he could incur because of his posture as a public figure.

The dangerousness of “fake botox” and illegal injection clinics

Ranging from asymmetry for a few months to blood clots that can cause blindness, necrosis, or even a stroke, injections of fillers can cause real dangers to the health and life of the people who receive them.

A risk that can happen even with a professional who knows human anatomy well.

Crisis in Haiti:

“People who have the right [d’injecter ce type de produit] are [uniquement] doctors who have a license, authorization, and nurses who have a doctor’s prescription. […] And the drugs are recognized as prescription drugs by Health Canada. If you have them in your basement, it’s illegal possession,” clinical nurse Mirna Saadé argued on the show’s set.

According to her, the consequences imposed on offenders who practice medicine illegally are too minimal for the risk they run. Seeing that the amount of the fine is not so high, many people continue under another name or elsewhere, she said.

Crisis in Haiti:

Back to the debates of the week

With Réjean Tremblay, the guest of the week, Stéphan Bureau notably discussed the Canadiens-Nordiques rivalry; “the fiercest in North America”, according to the author who will launch in the coming days, on Vrai, a documentary series on the subject.

For the occasion, Guy Nantel, with a Canadiens jersey, and Biz, with a Nordiques jacket, respectively wore their allegiance on the set. Sophie Durocher and Louise Deschâtelets completed the team of panellists.

Crisis in Haiti:

The debaters had a colorful and expressive debate on the place of the Francophonie in the work of the Rouleau commission, which is examining the use of the Emergency Measures Act. The team wondered whether the Francophones were too accommodating towards the Anglophones, because since the beginning of the public inquiry, the majority of the witnesses heard, although several are Francophones, spoke in English, as did the questioning of their testimonies.

“Le monde à l’envers” is presented live on Friday at 8 p.m. on TVA.

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