Criminals need to be tougher

A man from Montérégie whose residence was shot at because of a mistake about the person begs the underworld to do their research before settling scores.

“I understand that criminals have scores to settle, but tabar***k, make sure you don’t get the wrong person”, launches the one who prefers to keep his identity secret.

The 50-year-old says he is still very shaken by the events that took place at his home on March 4.

That night, shortly after midnight, he had just left the ground floor of his semi-detached on rue Stéphane in Saint-Philippe.

Suddenly he heard a shrill noise. Turning around, he saw that the glass in his rear patio door had shattered.

He first thought that it had broken due to the extreme cold. But on analyzing the scene, he discovered two holes in his front door, which turned out to be bullet holes.

“A bullet went through the house. They missed me by a few seconds. I came close to dying, ”he dropped.

Knowing that he had nothing to reproach himself for, the factory supervisor immediately alerted the authorities.

Bad target

After investigating, the major crimes department of the Sûreté du Québec concluded that there was an “error about the residence affected and its occupants, since they were not the target of the suspect or suspects”.

“The police told me that they passed the message to the ‘middle’ that I had nothing to do with it, because I wanted to know how they were going to ensure my safety,” said the man who lives alone with his son. in this residence since the fall only.

“If they want to kill each other, that doesn’t interest me, but they should be careful to protect innocent people,” he added. I find it deplorable, I am shocked. »

No arrests have yet been made in this case. The investigation is continuing.

♦ If you have information in connection with this case, you can communicate it confidentially to the Criminal Information Center of the Sûreté du Québec at 1 800 659-4264.

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