“Criminal infamy”: Eric Naulleau violently attacks a star of the Blues and condemns his choice

This World Cup in Qatar is definitely unlike any other and only a few days before the opening of the World Cup, it is difficult to arouse the enthusiasm of the French. Already, the period is not necessarily favorable for us Europeans, who will have to experience our first World Cup in winter, which changes a lot of things. The players’ calendar has been turned upside down and there are many injuries a few days before the most anticipated event of the year. However, the French were able to fly yesterday towards Qatar and they are preparing to play their first match next Tuesday against Australia.

Before this departure, the players of the France team were gathered, as tradition dictates, near Clairefontaine. They participated in press conferences where journalists were able to question them on various subjects and the captain of the Blues, Hugo Lloris, in particular had to answer questions concerning the wearing of a rainbow armband with the effigy of the OneLove campaign in Qatar. It is an inclusive armband, a symbol of the fight against all forms of discrimination, including those aimed at LGBT people at the World Cup.“When we are in France, when we welcome foreigners, we often want them to comply with our rules. That they respect our culture. I will do the same when I go to Qatar, quite simply “explained the 35-year-old goalkeeper, inducing at the same time that he would not wear the famous armband.

Homophobia is not a cultural fact, it is an infamy – and here a criminal infamy

Words that did not go unnoticed, especially with the columnist and football fan, Eric Naulleau. The latter took to his Twitter account to react to the news and he was not kind to the captain of the Blues. “Hugo Lloris refuses to wear a rainbow armband in Qatar out of respect for the culture of this country where homosexuality is punishable by death. Homophobia is not a cultural fact, it is a infamy – and here a criminal infamy”launched the husband of Veronika, before concluding on a more general note: “From bad to worse, this World Cup”.

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