CRIF plans to file a complaint after an anti-Semitic tag written on a school

The facade of a school in the 6th arrondissement of Lyon was spray-painted with anti-Semitic remarks. The words were discovered this Sunday, October 29. Crif Auvergne Rhône-Alpes publicly indicated that it would file a complaint.

The wall of a school in the 6th arrondissement of Lyon in the Rhône was sprayed with an anti-Semitic inscription. The words “dirty Jews” written in red were discovered on the wall of Montaigne elementary school.

On the facade, rue Louis Blanc, there is also another tag “viva Palestin”.

As of this Sunday, October 29, Patrick Kahn, member of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (Crif AURA) announced that a complaint would be filed.

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