Credit: change borrower insurance to save money


France 3

Article written by

L. Bazizin, PG.Ipo, MC Delouvrié, Z. Berkous, O.Combe, C. Ricco – France 3

France Televisions

The deputies examine Thursday, November 25 a text of law which would give the possibility to those who have a mortgage to change their loan insurance at any time. This would save consumers money.

Owner in the Toulouse region (Haute-Garonne), Franckie Guéret pays two loans: one for his house, the other to finance the work. He changed insurance on the anniversary date of his contract. Results : for the loan on the works, the cost goes from 3,600 euros to 600 euros. “We pay six times less for insurance since the change”, specifies the forty-something.

Changing insurance is often a headache for borrowers. But saving money is often a good motivation. In concrete terms, a 30-year-old couple who borrows 250,000 over 25 years pays an average of 150 euros per month with bank insurance against 35 euros with external insurance, ie 35,000 euros saved. “On the one hand, banks make colossal margins on loan insurance products and on the other, equivalent contracts much cheaper with insurers, because they make a much lower margin”, explains Astrid Cousin, spokesperson for the insurance broker A bill under discussion in the National Assembly on Thursday, November 25 would make it possible to renegotiate your borrower insurance at any time.


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