creation of an offense of road homicide, without increasing the penalties incurred


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – L. Feuerstein, N. Perez, E. Huin, K. Prevost, C. Morand, N. Bensmail, L. Latour

France Televisions

After a series of tragic accidents, the government announces, Monday, July 17, the creation of a crime of road homicide. If the vocabulary changes, the penalties will remain the same.

Three young police officers were mowed down last May by a driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol. In February, a family was struck by actor Pierre Palmade, who tested positive for cocaine. These tragedies have prompted the government to introduce a new offense of road homicide, which replaces that of manslaughter.

The penalties incurred remain the same.

It concerns any death occurring in particular following a blown fire, speeding, or the taking of narcotics and alcohol. The change in terms is above all symbolic and does not at the moment increase the penalties incurred, currently five years and a fine of 75,000 euros. “If the sanction is the same, for me it doesn’t change anything. It’s just communication”, said a motorist. LR elected officials have tabled a bill, doubling the penalties in the event of road violence leading to death.

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