creation of a toll-free number, “some consider it a gadget. For us, it is a priority”, assures the Minister Delegate in charge of Local Authorities and Rurality



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11 mins

Violence against elected officials: creation of a toll-free number, “some consider it a gadget. For us, it is a priority”, assures the Minister Delegate in charge of Local Authorities and Rural Affairs

Dominique Faure, Minister Delegate in charge of Local Authorities and Rural Affairs, was the guest of 19/20 info, Wednesday November 22. She notably returned to the violence against local elected officials. – (Franceinfo)

Dominique Faure, Minister Delegate in charge of Local Authorities and Rural Affairs, was the guest of 19/20 info, Wednesday November 22. She notably returned to the violence against local elected officials.

Wednesday November 22, 1,000 mayors will be received at the Élysée. The theme of the Congress of Mayors of France this year is violence against elected officials. In order to alleviate this scourge, the government has launched a toll-free number. “Some consider it a gimmick. For us, it’s a priority”, assures Dominique Faure, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Communities and Rural Affairs. She specifies that this number is registered “as part of the psychological protection of our elected officials”. “We thought it was relevant to work with France Victimes, which is a partner association, which is used to listening”explains the minister.In the Senate, a bill was passed. It aims to increase sanctions against people who commit violence against elected officials. “I think that this sanction, which can go up to seven years of imprisonment or a fine of 100,000 euros, has a deterrent effect”affirms Dominique Faure.

Violence in rural areas

This Wednesday a white march took place in tribute to Thomas, 16 years old, killed in Crepol on the night of November 18 to 19. Asked about insecurity in rural communities, the minister replied: “Does the violence move to rural areas? The answer is no. We saw it with the riots. Small communities were the subject of this violence, described as urban. (…) The proximity between the gendarmes and our local elected officials (…) means that I am confident that we will gradually stem this violence.”

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