Cream of endive and sweet potato velouté recipe with curry

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

There are several tricks to reduce the bitterness of endive: a pinch of sugar here, a little sweet potato there… Very quickly cooked and ultra-creamy, endive really has everything to please once turned into a velouté .

Servings | 4


6 fine endives

1 large sweet potato (or 2 medium)

2 tbsp. almond butter

1 C. curry powder



salty granola

Walnut kernels

Sweet potato cubes, roasted

Chickpeas with curry

Vegan Parmesan


Wash the endives, remove the base of the stem and cut them in half.

Peel the sweet potato and cut it into cubes.

Place everything in a pot. Cover halfway with water and cook covered for 20 minutes over medium-low heat.

Mix with the almond butter, curry and 1 pinch of salt.

Serve hot with suggested toppings.

This recipe is taken from the book Soups that do us good (Clemence Catz & Clea, Editions La Plage)

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