“Crazy Princess”: Boris Johnson’s young wife, Carrie, knocked out!

In the middle of a storm since Partygate, the scandal of the parties organized in Downing Street during the confinements, Boris Johnson is this time affected by a book which attacks his wife, Carrie. Written by Lord Ashcroft, a British fortune and donor to the Conservative Party of which the leader also belongs, this book presents the English first lady in a less than rosy light, nicknamed “Carrie Antoinette” Where “crazy princess“.

Michael Ashcroft is part of the line of conservatives who are clearly distancing themselves from Boris Johnson. His book, titled First Lady: Intrigue at the Court of Carrie and Boris Johnson (“First Lady: Intrigue in the Court of Carrie and Boris Johnson”), portrays the young wife of the Briannic leader as a woman who has taken control in her husband’s offices: “It simply prevents Boris Johnson from governing Britain as effectively as voters deserve“, we read in this work that Le Figaro was able to browse.

Carrie Symonds, who at 33 became the wife of Boris Johnson, 57, is said to have a habit of bombarding her husband with text messages or giving instructions over his shoulder. She would have used her influence to dismiss people she didn’t like, like a special adviser, Ellie Lyons, who was deemed too sexy. Enmities that would be expensive because one of them, Dominic Cummings, a figure in Johnson’s entourage who nicknamed her crazy princessand which she managed to get off, is allegedly the source of Partygate leaks – one of which is a birthday party Carrie threw for Boris Johnson.

The ambitious Carrie Johnson, mother of her last two children, Wilfred, soon to be 2 years old, and Romy, born in December 2021, is also cited for the case of the repatriation of animals from a refuge in Afghanistan to the detriment of the population. , because the director of the association is close to him. Working today for the NGO Oceana, she believes that these are attacks from bitter people. Health Minister Sajid Javid – of whom Carrie was once an adviser – recalls Le Figaro -, claimed that these accusations of interference were “sexist, unworthy and unjust“.

Manipulative or victim of her husband’s enemies? The man with the unlikely haircut is in any case in bad shape on his own side.

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