The frontal attacks of Denis Coderre’s team in the Craig Sauvé case betray his fear of losing the municipal election, said Valérie Plante on Friday morning.
At a press briefing in a park in Montreal-North, the mayoress had to explain the withdrawal of her candidate, announced the night before. She asserted that this withdrawal was decided by mutual agreement, because the complainant asserted that she was not closing the door to a civil lawsuit.
She accuses Craig Sauvé of sexual assault, in connection with events in Ottawa in 2012. Her police complaint was dismissed. Mr. Sauvé denies having anything to be ashamed of. No civil proceedings were launched.

Craig Saved
Mme Plante suggested that his opponent’s insistence on the matter was linked to his loss of momentum in the polls on the eve of the election. Thursday evening, a survey published by the magazine News gave 46% support to Valérie Plante, against 40% to Denis Coderre.
“There is clearly panic. A wish to attack us in a vicious way, ”said Mayor Plante. “It looks a lot like the scenario of 2017. In the last week of the 2017 campaign, Denis Coderre said that the City would be on fire and blood […] if Projet Montréal was elected. ”
The probe was carried out by the firm Mainstreet of 1er on November 4 with 850 respondents. Balarama Holness brings up the rear with 5% downforce.
“No empathy for the victims”
Thursday evening, Ensemble Montreal affirmed on social networks that the withdrawal of Mr. Sauvé was only a “smokescreen” since he will always be identified with Projet Montreal on the ballots.
“Clearly, Valérie Plante has no empathy for victims of sexual assault,” the party said on its Twitter account, in an attack of rare violence.
“I don’t know what to tell you…” reacted Valérie Plante at a press briefing. “I find it a deplorable, gratuitous attack. ”