CPE: FIPEQ-CSQ members have an indefinite strike mandate

The workers of the CPEs who are members of FIPEQ unions granted themselves, on Wednesday, an indefinite strike mandate. It will be exercised at a time to be determined.

91.2% of the members of the Federation of Early Childhood Workers, affiliated with the CSQ, voted in favor of this indefinite strike mandate.

During a meeting with the press, the president of the Federation of Early Childhood Workers, Valérie Grenon, affirmed that this fight is being waged to attract staff to early childhood centers and to see the network grow.

“What I want to tell parents is that we are doing it for the future of the network,” said the president of the FIPEQ.

The indefinite strike mandate that was obtained would be exercised “before the holidays”, but at a time to be determined, said Ms. Grenon. Everything will depend on the pace of the negotiations.

“We know that there are a lot of parents who support us, that there are parents who are going to have difficulty finding plans B. We are going to wish not to use our indefinite general strike. But if we have to go there … it is for the future of the network, to avoid breakdowns in services and for the 37,000 families, at the moment, who are waiting for a place ”in a day care service, pleaded Ms. Grenon.

Currently, there is a shortage of educators and a decline in enrollment in Early Childhood Education Techniques programs.

The educators are underpaid, by the admission of the Legault government. As a result, he has already announced that he is partially increasing their wages, in the midst of negotiations with the unions.

The negociationWith this indefinite strike mandate in hand, the FIPEQ came to the negotiating table again on Thursday, with an increased balance of power vis-à-vis government negotiators.

There were no negotiations between Quebec and the FIPEQ after the latter concluded that negotiations had broken down last Friday evening.

As for the Federation of Health and Social Services, affiliated with the CSN, it is Thursday that it will ask its members to vote on an indefinite strike mandate. On Wednesday, several of its members held a demonstration to express their impatience to come to an agreement with Quebec.

The main issue now is the salary of “other” workers than educators in the CPEs.

Ms. Grenon illustrated the case of a maintenance worker in a childcare center, who earns $ 15.32 per hour.

Quebec offered larger increases to educators, but not to these “other” workers in childcare centers, such as employees in the kitchen, administration and maintenance.

For the latter, Quebec offers the same increases that government employees have had, either 2% per year for three years, or 6%, with a salary bonus for the lowest earners. This bonus increases the salary from 6 to 9%, depending on the job title.

The President of the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel, said that she could not financially give more to “other” workers in childcare centers.

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