COVID-long: unable to be treated in Quebec, a woman must go to the United States

The health of a 31-year-old mother with long-term COVID-19 is deteriorating, forcing the family to seek $5,000 treatment in the United States.

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Unable to be treated in Quebec, Bianca Drysdale must now turn to a treatment available only in the United States.

“In Quebec, there is only one clinic, in Sherbrooke, which treats patients with COVID-long and the waiting time is seven to eight months. The 15 clinics that were announced last May by the government do not exist. They are slow to open so everyone rushes to the only clinic, ”explained Tuesday Michael Grenier Delorme, the spouse of Mme Drysdale, in an interview with QUB Radio.

The family say they are willing to shell out $5,000 for a treatment that is still in clinical trials. However, no doctor is ready to follow up on Drysdale in the neighboring country.

“The downside is that you have to find a Quebec doctor who agrees to supervise the treatment with us in the United States. In addition, the treatment plan proposed, these are drugs that are not covered by the RAMQ, so you have to pay money.”

Since the mother-of-three caught COVID-19 last April, she has had no energy to do her daily chores, to the point where breastfeeding her baby has become difficult.

“For five months she has been in bed all day, 24 hours a day. She looks at the ceiling. She has heart palpitations with the slightest exertion. She pays the price for days when she makes a simple effort,” Mr. Grenier Delorme told Benoît Dutrizac.

Left to themselves, the family sends a heartfelt cry to the Minister of Health, Christian Dubé.

“The promised clinics must be set up quickly so that people with long-term COVID stop fighting to be recognized and taken care of. We also have to push to find treatments.”

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