Covid-19: worrying epidemic rebound in Austria and the Netherlands


France 2

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The Netherlands recorded a record of Covid-19 contamination this week. The announcement partial re-containment, Friday 12 November, sparked a demonstration of violence in The Hague.

The Dutch came to cry out their anger in The Hague after the announcement, Friday, November 12, of a new partial confinement which will come into force on Saturday evening in the Netherlands. They do not accept this return to health restrictions for at least three weeks. In the country, more than 16,000 new infections have been identified in 24 hours. Covid-19 cases exploded, surpassing 2020 record. 82% of the population is however fully vaccinated. The mask had also become compulsory again in shops.

In Austria, contaminations are also skyrocketing in a worrying way, with 10,000 new cases of Covid-19 every day. The government is considering there too containment of people who are not vaccinated. In the country, 65% of the inhabitants received their two doses, a rate lower than the European average. TO Vienna, the capital, as cases explode, children aged 5 to 11 will start to be vaccinated from Monday 15 November.

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