Covid-19: what measures could the executive take?



France 3

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A Health Defense Council and a Council of Ministers will be held on Monday, December 27. On the set of 19/20 of France 3 Sunday, the journalist of France Televisions, Cyril Graziani, looks back on the difficult decisions for the government to make.

The health crisis saw a new turning point in France with the arrival of the Omicron variant. Monday, December 27, after the holding of a Sanitary Defense Council and a Cadvice of ministers, the government could announce new restrictions. “At the top of the state, two keywords: pragmatism and proportionality, namely even restrictive measures when they are inevitable, but never beyond what Emmanuel Macron thinks are strictly necessary “, declares the journalist of France Télévisions, Cyril Graziani, on the 19/20 set of France on Sunday December 26.

The health situation in the country could upset Emmanuel Macron’s strategy. “A few days away from his last wishes for the five-year term which should enable him to look towards the presidential election, and especially the French presidency of the European Union which starts on January 1 and which he wanted to put at the service of his campaign , the emergence of the Omicron variant forces him once again to stand still “, underlines Cyril Graziani.


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