Covid-19: wearing a mask is no longer compulsory indoors


France 2

Article written by

D.Basier, P.Wursthorn, N.Titonel – France 2

France Televisions

Wearing a mask indoors is no longer mandatory since Monday March 14. At school, in companies or in shops, the French are rediscovering faces. This relief comes in full rebound of the epidemic of Covid-19.

In the streets of Bordeaux (Gironde)it is again possible to buy a flutedthe local speciality, with the bonus of the smiles of the merchants, delighted to finally be able to see the faces of their customers. Same enthusiasm in a decoration shop. It feels like we’re kinda leaving all that behind, and it feels good“says a client. However, many French people choose to continue to wear the mask. Beyond comfort, I think it’s a matter of safety“, explains a Bordeaux resident.

In the offices of an online bank, most of the 200 employees arrived without a mask. Some finally discover the faces of their colleagues. On leaving school, little Isabelle is delighted to drop the mask. But in New Aquitaine, as elsewhere in France, the number of positive cases has started to rise again.

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