COVID-19 vaccines | Delays in the delivery of doses

The vaccination campaign against respiratory viruses could be slower than expected. Delays in the supply of COVID-19 vaccines are forcing some pharmacies to cancel or postpone appointments.

“What is happening is that the COVID vaccines are not arriving as quickly or in as large quantities as we had expected,” explains Benoît Morin, president of the Quebec Association of Pharmacist Owners.

Remember that the vaccination campaign for the general population against influenza and/or COVID-19 begins on October 10. “ [Cette situation fait en sorte] that we cannot enter this start of the campaign as thoroughly as we would like, recognizes Mr. Morin. And it sure irritates a lot of pharmacists. »

It is the federal government which is responsible for the supply of vaccines against COVID-19, indicated by email Francis Martel, director of communications at the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS).

For the first delivery to pharmacy wholesalers, the MSSS had planned 100,000 doses. Some delays were observed at the end of September, but as of October 6, these 100,000 doses were delivered, specifies the director.

“Further deliveries are planned over the coming weeks, which will allow us to continue to meet demand,” he adds.

50 to 100 vaccines per pharmacy

In total, 100 local service points and 1,900 pharmacies will offer vaccines in the coming weeks in the province, recalls the Ministry.

Thus, each pharmacy has so far received only “50 or 100 doses of vaccines against COVID-19,” confirms Mr. Morin. Pharmacists therefore have sufficient doses against the flu, but are limited by the doses against COVID-19. However, the majority of patients want both vaccines at the same time.

“This is not ideal for pharmacies, because we need more predictability to vaccinate,” underlines Mr. Morin.

On the ministry’s side, it is specified that it has asked the federal government to advance the delivery of the 100,000 additional doses to pharmaceutical wholesalers.

“In addition, the MSSS has released 15,000 doses from its strategic reserve for pharmacies. These doses will be distributed to pharmaceutical wholesalers over the coming days,” adds Mr. Martel.

For the president of the Association of Pharmacist Owners, it is obvious that all people who wish to be vaccinated will be able to obtain a vaccine. “It’s a question of time,” he says. “Appointments will be given further away, to be sure that we have the stock. »

Same story for the MSSS: “Although the vaccination campaign for the general population component begins on October 10, specifies Mr. Martel, the appointments will be spread over several weeks. »

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