Covid-19 vaccines are ‘safe’ during pregnancy, Canadian study confirms

This Canadian study comes at a time when in France, pregnant women have been invited for three weeks to take their 2nd booster dose against Covid.

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Messenger RNA vaccines against Covid-19 are “safe” during pregnancy, says a large Canadian study published August 12 in the medical journal The Lancet.

The 200,000 Canadian pregnant women vaccinated and observed during this study do not stand out: seven days after an injection of Pfizer or Moderna, there are no more miscarriages or stillbirths than in unvaccinated pregnant women. . Same observation for sick leaves or medical care, they are not more numerous than in women of the same age, vaccinated but not pregnant.

The study only covers the seven days following a vaccine injection, the scientists will continue it over the long term. These initial results nevertheless prove, according to the authors, that messenger RNA vaccines against Covid are safe during pregnancy. However, many pregnant women are apprehensive about vaccination, even though the Covid can nevertheless lead to serious forms and a fatal outcome for their baby.

In France, messenger RNA vaccines, those from the Pfizer and Moderna laboratories, have been the most injected since the start of the vaccination campaign. Since July 20, pregnant women have been invited by the Ministry of Health to receive a 2nd booster dose, the so-called 4th dose. The ministry specifies that vaccination is recommended from the first trimester of pregnancy.

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