Covid-19: under pressure, the Maubeuge hospital activated its white plan


France 3

Article written by

M.Vanlaton, B. Thhéry, S. Zourli – France 3

France Televisions

With the acceleration of the fifth wave of Covid-19, the white plan will be launched in all hospitals in France within a few days, warned the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran. In Maubeuge (North), hospital pressure is very present.

About twenty positive people Covid-19 are in the emergency department of Maubeuge hospital (North), that’s four times more than a month ago. Faced with this influx, we had to push the walls of the hospital. DAdmittedly by all caregivers, the peak of the fifth wave is far from being reached. As evidenced by the stretchers lined up in the corridors of the hospital, ready to welcome patients if the beds were to run out.

Consequences, here, as in all the hospitals of Hauts-de-France, the white plan is activated. In Maubeuge, 20% non-urgent operations have already been deprogrammed. Above the Covid-19, winter illnesses, which almost disappeared last year, are making a comeback and again clogging up hospitals. The director of the establishment calls for everyone’s responsibility.

source site-14