COVID-19 | Ukrainians demonstrate against the measures

(Kiev) More than a thousand people blocked several streets in the center of the Ukrainian capital on Wednesday to protest against vaccination certificates and state restrictions aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19.

Yuras Karmanau
Associated Press

The demonstrators, mainly women and young people, did not wear masks and held up, in front of the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev, signs with the slogans “Say no to COVID passports” or “Say no to the COVID genocide”. Riot police did not intervene.

Protesters were particularly angry at restrictions that now require teachers, government employees and other workers to be fully immunized by November 8, otherwise they will no longer be paid. Last week, Ukrainian authorities also began requiring proof of vaccination, or negative test results, for passengers on planes, trains and long-distance coaches.

The measures come as Ukraine reports a record level of new coronavirus infections and deaths. Authorities have blamed the increase mainly on the widespread reluctance of Ukrainians to get vaccinated. About 17.1% of the 41 million Ukrainians are fully immunized, the second lowest rate in Europe, after Armenia.

The new government restrictions have also created a booming black market for counterfeit vaccination certificates. The fake documents sell for the equivalent of US $ 100-300 and there is already a fake version of a government digital app.

Authorities opened 1,065 criminal cases for distributing false certificates involving 80 doctors and 35 travel agencies. Parliament proposed to make the use and production of false certificates a separate criminal offense, punishable by up to three years in prison or a fine of around US $ 6,460. A bill to this effect has already been supported by deputies at first reading on Tuesday.

“The anti-vaccination spirit is quickly disappearing in intensive care, and fake certificates do not work there,” said Health Minister Viktor Lyashko.

In total, Ukraine has reported 2,979,086 coronavirus cases and 69,447 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

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