COVID-19 | Two cases of the Omicron variant detected in the UK

(London) Two cases of contamination with the new Omicron variant of the coronavirus have been detected in the United Kingdom in people “linked to a trip to South Africa”, the British Department of Health announced on Saturday.

“The British Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has confirmed that two cases of COVID-19 including mutations compatible with B.1.1529 have been identified in the United Kingdom,” the ministry said in a statement.

“We have been made aware of two UK cases of the Omicron variant,” said Health Minister Sajid David, “We have acted quickly and those affected are isolating themselves as the search for contact cases continues.”

“The two cases are linked (to each other) and to a trip to southern Africa,” the statement said. One of them was detected in the city of Nottingham (central England) and the other in Chelmsford (east of London), said health authorities.

In order to “face the evolution of the situation”, the British government has notably decided to toughen from 4 am GMT on Sunday its entry conditions into the territory for travelers from Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia. and Angola.

Those returning from these four countries will therefore be barred from entering the UK unless they are UK residents. People “returned from these four countries in the last 10 days must isolate themselves and undergo a PCR test,” the statement said.

This is in addition to six other countries – South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Zimbabwe and Botswana – already placed by the government on “red list” since Friday.

The UK has been among the countries hardest hit by COVID-19, with 144,500 deaths since the start of the pandemic. The number of cases remains high – more than 50,000 in the last 24 hours on Friday – but more than 80% of people aged 12 and over have received a double injection of the vaccine, and almost 30% have had a third dose.

The UK government has come under heavy criticism for delaying tightening travel restrictions at the start of the pandemic, when it kept its borders open as infection rates skyrocketed.

“It brutally reminds us that we are not yet out of this pandemic,” said Mr. Javid, who urged the target public to recall their vaccines. “We will not hesitate to take additional measures if necessary,” he added.

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