Covid-19: turn of the screw in Belgium



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In Belgium, additional measures were taken on Friday 3 December to combat the progression of the fifth wave of Covid-19.

“The pressure on health services has become unbearable“, said Friday December 3, the Belgian Prime Minister to justify the turn of screw of Belgium vis-a-vis the fifth wave of Covid-19. More than 800 people are in intensive care, as during the second wave in 2020. But it is now children who transmit the virus the most. The 0-19 year olds are the category of the population most tested positive, hence the decision to bring the school holidays forward by one week to December 17, explains journalist Julien Gasparutto Friday evening live from Brussels.

Other measures: wearing a mask is now compulsory from 6 years old,es Classes in secondary will switch to hybrid mode and the events indoors are limited to 200 people with a mask and sanitary pass. Nothing has changed for the cafes and restaurants which already close at 11 p.m. The objective is to avoid a new general containment. But the measures could be stepped up if the health situation does not improve.

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