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The government absolutely wants to thwart the circulation of fake health passes. There have been 182,000 identified to date. The option considered to stop this phenomenon would be an identity check, carried out by the restaurateurs themselves.
Will it soon be necessary to present an identity document in addition to QR code to enter restaurants? Faced with the 182,000 fake health passes currently circulating in France, the government wants to toughen up. “We will control the identity to reinforce the usefulness of the pass“, declared Olivier Véran, Minister of Health.
Today, health passes are easily usurped. In general, restaurateurs do not distinguish fraud. So the government made a new proposal in its bill, which will be presented to parliament in January 2022. In addition to health passes, restaurant owners could ask for their customers’ identity cards. It is a health control welcomed by some consumers. Currently, fraudsters risk a fine of 750 to 75,000 euros.