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Particularly contagious, the Omicron variant is becoming dominant in several countries at the same time when the end-of-year celebrations favor reconciliation. Italy, Spain and Greece have already imposed the return of the mask outdoors. Should the same decision be taken in France?
It has been six months since the French no longer wear masks outside. With the spread of the particularly contagious Omicron variant, will it make a comeback on the streets? Since Saturday December 25, it is again compulsory in Savoie and since Friday December 24 in Honfleur (Calvados). The Loire, the Oise, the Var have also imposed it for several weeks.
In Paris, it must now be worn in public gatherings, markets or queues. But some already keep it permanently. “I think we should do everything to protect ourselves from the virus”, explains a passer-by. So far, studies have shown that there is low transmission of the virus in open areas. But the highly contagious Omicron variant is a game-changer. The question could be raised at the Health Defense Council convened by Emmanuel Macron on Monday, December 27.