Covid-19: the white plan launched in Martinique



France 3

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The white plan was triggered again at the CHU of Fort-de-France, in Martinique, on Friday June 10. The influx of patients and the resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic are making the situation very tense at the hospital, as journalist Stéphane explains. Lupon from Fort de France.

“It is a need for much more comfortable room for maneuver which led the management of the Martinique University Hospital to trigger a new white plan, because the emergencies are under tension, of course, with the arrival of new cases of Covid-19, but their impact remains limited on the functioning of the hospital”explains journalist Stéphane Lupon from Fort de France (Martinique)where a white plan was triggered in the city’s university hospital, Friday, June 10.

“It is in fact a much more complex general situation than usual that led to this decision: an absenteeism rate positioned at 18%, and 25% to 30% of patients who arrive in the emergency room and who could have been taken care of by city medicine”continues the journalist. He adds that the director general of the CHU of Martinique wanted to reassure his staff by affirming that everything will be done to sanctuarize the holidays for the months of July and August, and avoid deprogramming the interventions.

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