COVID-19: the toll grows with 62 deaths and 2,742 hospitalized patients in Quebec

Quebec has reported 62 additional COVID-19-related deaths in the past 24 hours, up from 26 the day before.

• Read also: Support for health measures at its lowest in Quebec

• Read also: Accompanied by the new director of public health, Legault will take stock at 1 p.m.

Quebec has reported 62 additional deaths linked to COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, compared to 26 the day before.

The number of hospitalizations in the province remains above 2,500 for the second day in a row, with 2,742 Quebecers hospitalized, an increase of 188 from the previous day. A total of 255 people are in intensive care (+7).

Since the start of the pandemic, 12,028 Quebecers have died from COVID-19.

Public Health also said 8,710 new cases were detected by PCR test in the past 24 hours.

Hospitalizations also continue to increase in Ontario (3220, +753) as does the number of people in intensive care (477, +39). Twenty-one more people have lost their lives in the past 24 hours. In addition, 7,951 more Ontarians have tested positive for COVID-19.

In a statement on Tuesday, the government announced that it will deploy internationally trained nurses. “Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ontario hospitals and health care providers have worked tirelessly to protect patient health and safety. Our government has continued to make critical investments in our hospital and healthcare workforce to ensure that no resources go unused, so that our hospitals have the staff and resources they need to care for patients during this difficult time. Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott said.

Listen to Patrick Déry’s column at the microphone of Benoît Dutrizac on QUB radio:

In the Maritimes

In the Atlantic provinces, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador recorded a slight daily increase with, respectively, 191 and 750 new infections as well as one death in New Brunswick. Nova Scotia also had one additional death and 616 new cases of COVID-19, while 304 cases were reported in Prince Edward Island.

Rest of Canada

West of Ontario, cases continue to increase as Saskatchewan and Manitoba had 1140 and 2012 additional infections, respectively.

Alberta, with 4,704 infections and eight deaths, and British Columbia, with 2,239 infections and three deaths, also see their situation continue to worsen.


  • 758,576 people infected (+8710) *
  • 12,028 deaths (+62)
  • 2,742 people hospitalized
    • 433 entries
    • 245 outputs
  • 255 people in intensive care
    • 45 entries
    • 38 outings
  • 100,758 doses administered are added, ie 97,295 in the last 24 hours and 3,463 before January 10, for a total of 15,853,252 doses administered in Quebec.
  • Outside Quebec, a total of 255,780 doses were administered, for a cumulative total of 16,109,032 doses received by Quebecers.

* The number of cases listed is not representative of the situation, since access to screening centers is limited to priority customers

  • Listen to the summary of the news with Alexandre Moranville-Ouellet at the microphone of Benoît Dutrizac on QUB radio:


  • Bas-Saint-Laurent: 65
  • Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean: 285
  • Capitale-Nationale: 1174
  • Mauricie-et-Center-du-Quebec: 632
  • Estrie: 439
  • Montreal: 4946
  • Outaouais: 224
  • Abitibi-Témiscamingue: 23
  • North Shore: 5
  • Northern Quebec: 0
  • Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine: 48
  • Chaudière-Appalaches: 417
  • Laval: 961
  • Lanaudière: 568
  • Laurentians: 538
  • Montérégie: 1692
  • Nunavik: 5
  • Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James: 5
  • Outside Quebec: 1
  • Region to be determined: 0

Total: 12,028 deaths

Situation in Canada

  • Ontario: 896,248 cases (10,399 deaths)
  • Quebec: 758,576 cases (12,028 deaths)
  • Alberta: 417,533 cases (3,352 deaths)
  • British Columbia: 286,080 cases (2,449 deaths)
  • Saskatchewan: 94,080 cases (961 deaths)
  • Manitoba: 103,935 cases (1,426 deaths)
  • Nova Scotia: 26,541 cases (115 deaths)
  • New Brunswick: 20,890 cases (173 deaths)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: 10,201 cases (23 deaths)
  • Northwest Territories: 3,322 cases (12 deaths)
  • Prince Edward Island: 2,893 cases
  • Yukon: 2,445 cases (15 deaths)
  • Nunavut: 1,033 cases (4 deaths)
  • Canadian returnees: 13 cases

Total: 2,624,910 cases (30,958 deaths)


source site-64