Covid-19: the race for screening before Christmas Eve



France 3

Article written by

S. Ricottier, France 3 Regions, F. Cardoen – France 3

France Televisions

Pharmacies and laboratories were stormed Thursday, December 23, all records were broken with 1,550,000 tests carried out. It’s the rush for testing and self-testing, until the last moment.

Even coming from the opening Friday, December 24, you had to be patient to be tested in a Lyon pharmacy. A few hours before Christmas Eve, many came to reassure themselves. “My father is 82 years old, so I would rather know it beforehand rather than arrive and infect everyone”, says a passerby. The pace is steady, especially in pharmacies that test without an appointment.

At Rouen (Seine-Maritime), we also fear the shortage of stock. In pharmacy it 100 self-tests remain, while two times more were sold on the one day of Thursday, December 23. Most pharmacies had to hire reinforcements to cope with the influx of visitors and compensate for absences linked to holidays and cases of Covid-19 in the staff. With such demand for testing, the delays can lengthen, at the risk of not having the results before Christmas Eve. The ministry recognizes some slowdowns, but assures us that they are temporary.

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