Covid-19: the pandemic is accelerating less strongly


France 2

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The epidemic of Covid-19 progressed Tuesday, December 7 with 59,019 new cases and 2,351 patients in intensive care. The pandemic is moving slowly.

The government has not taken radical action against the pandemic of Covid-19. The curve of positive cases is rising with more than 41,000 cases per day on average against less than 30,000 a week ago. But the growth curve of positive cases shows a different trend. Had 58% increase at the end of November and 34% increase on December 3. The epidemic is slowing its growth. But you have to be careful, because it’s tense in the hospital.

The growth in hospital admissions is starting to slow. We went from 14% To 21% between November 27 and December 6, but it stagnates at 20 or 21% the last days. As long as growth is positive, however, it is because patients with Covid-19 continues to arrive in hospitals and, warns Tuesday, December 7, the medical consultant of France Televisions Damien Mascret, if that does not decrease, there could be a saturation of hospital services.

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