Covid-19: the new Omicron variant spreads in Europe




Article written by

M. Justet, L. Bazizin, P.-M. from La Foata – France 3

France Televisions

Deemed of concern by the WHO, the new South African variant of Covid-19 circulates in the world. France is preparing. The Omicron variant is at risk of spreading quickly as the fifth wave rolls in.

Because of the new South African variant, around sixty passengers are in quarantine in the Netherlands, two suspected cases have been detected in Germany, one in Italy and two in the United Kingdom. Concern is mounting in Europe because of the new variant of Covid-19 Omicron. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tightens the screws on Saturday 27 November. It imposes a test and an isolation until a negative result.

Of Netherlands, Friday, passengers on two flights from South Africa were tested. The wait lasted several hours. “It looked more like detention than organized confinement, no frost, no mask”, says a French. 61 people tested positive for Covid-19. They are waiting to find out if they have been contaminated with Omicron. It’s Un variant considered of concern by the World Health Organization because the risk of transmission could be high. The French government announced on Saturday evening that any person in contact with another who tested positive for the variant will have to isolate themselves for seven days even if it is vaccinated.

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