Covid-19: the mask again compulsory at school in 39 departments



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The start of the school year on November 8 was also synonymous with the return of the mask to school. While some departments abandoned it in October, it is now mandatory again in 39 departments.

The mask is again compulsory at school in 39 departments, bringing the total to 60. A new measure taken by the government in the face of the resurgence of the epidemic linked to the coronavirus. The incidence rate is too high to do without sanitary masks. Damien Mascret, journalist for France Télévisions, is present on the set of 20 Hours says more about this divisive return.

While the mask has become mandatory again, many people wonder about its effectiveness. “It is effective on condition that you wear it well, do not put it under your nose. A University of California has just done a study in three risky situations: when you are with relatives, when you are with someone for more than three hours and when you are indoors. Each time, the mask reduced the chance of self-contamination by 48%., he explains. “And it’s even better, if you are masked and vaccinated, there is a reduction of the risk and by 77%”, he concludes.

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