COVID-19: the increase in cases in Estrie worries

While the situation is considered rather stable in Quebec, a notable increase in cases and the number of outbreaks in recent weeks in Estrie worries Public Health, which calls for caution.

• Read also: COVID-19: more than 900 new cases and five additional deaths in Quebec

“The constant increase in cases in the Estrie region over the past few weeks is worrying. I ask all of my fellow citizens to remain cautious and to respect the measures in force in order to stop the spread. Everyone must do their part to reverse the trend, ”said Minister of Transport and Minister responsible for the Estrie region, François Bonnardel, in a press release Thursday.

The Minister reminded the population of the importance of respecting the health measures in force, while stressing that the vaccination of children from 5 to 11 years old has started.

About a month ago, the average daily number of cases was 35, according to Public Health. During the week of November 14 to 20, the average daily number of cases reached 93. The territories currently presenting the most cases per number of inhabitants are the local service networks (RLS) of Sources, du Granit and from Memphremagog. The positivity rate (4.4%) during screening is also on the rise. The majority of positive cases are children in the 5 to 12 year age group.

Public Health data indicate that vaccination coverage in the population aged 12 and over, i.e. 85.1%, is slightly lower in the Estrie region, while the overall vaccination rate in Quebec is 91%.

Minister Bonnardel also announced that the deployment of rapid tests in preschool and primary schools, carried out to screen all students in the class when one of them receives a positive result for COVID-19 will be extended to all the Estrie region.

Public Health said it was continuing to monitor the situation closely.

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