Covid-19: the head of the infectious diseases department, Gilles Pialoux, regrets “too short surveillance” of the virus


Video duration:
5 min


The 12/13 info of September 25 receives Gilles Pialoux, head of the infectious diseases department at Tenon hospital (Paris) who gives his opinion on the current increase in covid cases.

Are we witnessing a new epidemic wave with the increase in Covid-19 cases? “It’s the days and weeks that come that will tell (…). This covid never went away, it was just reduced by the vaccine power and the summer”, recalls Gilles Pialoux, head of the infectious diseases department at Tenon hospital (Paris), guest on the set of 12/13 info on September 25. The doctor also regrets that the government did not anticipate these new contaminations and had a short-term vision.

A highly transmissible virus

“There is no screening campaign, there is just a vaccination campaign, brought forward in October which is very important (…) but we must dissociate this disease from the flu. It has nothing to do with it , she’s not a ‘griponette'”, insists Gilles Pialoux. The head of department also finds that the surveillance of covid which is only held by the number of visits to the emergency room, “it’s a little short compared to a virus that taught us to be wary” and which is very transmissible.

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