Covid-19: the confusion of caterers in the face of the fifth wave


France 2

Article written by

A.Etienne, R.Massini, B. Tanguy – France 2

France Televisions

Resumption of the health crisis requires, the cancellations of end-of-year meals and business jars follow one another. The losses are heavy for the caterers, a few weeks before the holidays.

The caterer Eric Deiber and his team will begin one of the most important months of the year on Wednesday December 1st. But in recent days, cancellations have been linked. “From tomorrow and afternoon, we almost lost half of the preparations we had to do”, he confides, that is 2,500 people, for most company or association parties. They were canceled at the last minute, due to the fifth wave of the Covid-19. The pastry chef, Thierry Ruch, will have to rearrange everything. “I had made all the purchases, the raw materials. So we’ll see how we can do, what we can undo “, he explains.

Behind each canceled service, an entire industry suffers, from the dishes to the service staff. Another caterer, in Vendenheim (Bas-Rhin), has a part of its activity almost at a standstill. The dinner aperitifs organized by the companies are canceled one after the other. Without this activity, he fears not having enough work for his 50 employees. In less than a week, he estimates the loss of turnover linked to the resumption of the epidemic at 500,000 euros.

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