Covid-19: the cold, a factor favoring the epidemic?


France 2

Article written by

J. Benzina, P.-G. Ipo, P. Caron, N. Lachaud – France 2

France Televisions

As in winter 2020, the cases of Covid-19 are on the rise again while temperatures are dropping throughout the territory.

As the holiday season approaches and temperatures drop, cases of Covid-19 are multiplying in France. An increase in cases which could be explained by the change in behavior of the French due to freezing temperatures: the population prefers to stay indoors and without ventilating the rooms, which favors the spread of the virus. Reduced vigilance and less respected protective gestures. “Instead of leaving all day, I only ventilate 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening”, testifies a woman.

In winter, the virus can spread to transmit and move around a lot easily thanks to microdroplets circulating in the air due to low temperatures. “When temperatures drop and the air dries up due to winter, we realize that aerosols tend to persist longer in the ambient air and increase the capacities of a virus.”, explains the Pr Philippe Amouyel, epidemiologist at Lille University Hospital, in the North. For specialists, the application of procedures and vaccination are the only means of stemming the spread of Covid-19 this winter.

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