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The authorities are overwhelmed by the wave of the Omicron variant. The exasperation of 26 million inhabitants is violently suppressed.
Shanghai is a ghost town, shut down on Friday April 8. Residents are locked up in their homes, some for a month. Anger and exasperation rise. “We want to work, we want to be freed”chants in a video of the inhabitants in the street. These videos circulate on the networks social, but are quickly censored. Udon’t woman only claim to eat, because she “don’t want to starve”.
In another district, residents were allowed to go out for a few minutes to buy basic necessities. The only possible outings are to get tested. Since March, ihere are more than 130,000 cases of VSvid-19 in the city. The authorities are overwhelmed which leads to dramatic situations. On a video, a woman shouts at thehelp, because an asthmatic person is dying. Nope care, she dies a few minutes later.
All contact case must be isolated for a minimum of 15 days followed by three tests in order to be released. A Frenchman films the quarantine center in which he is. The conditions are rudimentary, there are no showers.