Covid-19: strict containment in Shanghai




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Shanghai has decided on a new four-day confinement of its population in order to fight against the new wave of Omicron variant.

25 million inhabitants remain confined to Shanghai, and the scenes of shopping rushes are recurring. Residents are only allowed out to get tested, and positive cases are immediately quarantined in huge field hospitals. Even taking your pet out or enjoying your balcony is prohibited.

The Omicron variant is responsible for 5,600 cases in mainland China. The country’s “zero Covid” strategy has made it possible to limit the circulation of the virus, but also the occurrence of collective immunity. Added to this is the lesser effectiveness of Chinese vaccines and a low rate of vaccination among seniors. These measures should last only four days. Indeed, China fears the economic consequences of these confinements, the weight of which is estimated at around 41 billion euros per month.

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