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France does not favor, for the moment, the wearing of masks FFP2. They are however more filtering, and they protect longer.
Faced with a fifth wave of Covid-19 always higher, and a dazzling spread of the Omicron variant, should we opt for the mask FFP2 ? In Strasbourg, in the Bas-Rhin, some passers-by have already made this choice. “I use it a lot when there are a lot of people, or when I’m in a place that is closed”, confides a woman. With the rise in contamination, sales of masks FFP2 keep climbing.
Judged to perform better than surgical masks, masks FFP2 would greatly reduce the risk of catching the virus. “It is more airtight, and obviously, it has less tendency to descend below nose “, explains Professor Gilles Pialoux, head of the infectious diseases department at Tenon hospital (Paris). French authorities have 600 million masks FFP2. If production has slowed down in recent months, manufacturers would be nevertheless capable of producing between 20 and 25 million per week.